Do you want to convince everyone that you are retarded and got your license from Sears, on sale? Try a defendant in the clothing he wants to wear. Sweatsuits, Adidas tennis shoes, shiny suits and levis are all out of the question. Dress you client in the clothing of the type of person you want the jury to see.

    An embezzlement case with a million dollars missing, buy suits too big with a shirt too big. Let the jury see your small and scared client before they sentence him.

    A drug case with a nineteen year old client? Dress him like Joe College.

    If no outfit comes to mind, the client should dress "for church." But you should still check it. Avoid jewelry, expensive watches and radical hairstyles. All beards should be shaved. All shirts should be white.

Remind your client that he or she will be watched throughout the trial. He cannot look bored and he cannot get mad. Sometimes a vigorous reaction to the testimony of a witness will emphasize the importance of the testimony. Truly damaging evidence, except evidence of malice or violence, should be met stoically. Evidence of viciousness should be met with an appearance of sincere remorse.

    Remind the client also that the jury will be un the hallway to observe him and his family and witnesses. Make sure everybody is properly dressed and remind them that demeanor in the halls before and during trial is important.

    Remind your client that every gesture will be noticed by the jury. Be especially cautious that he is not too active during the trial as such activity can distract from you defense and give the impression that he is conducting the defense, rather than being an innocent citizen dependent upon the skill of his lawyer.

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